Allright, everyone has seen the on going discussion on the forum about the wipe. Just wanted to say Im totally against it and hoped that we could mobilize the clan against it. What do you say?
Why I am against it? Well, first and foremost I wouldnt have the time to create another personality and secondly, this would effectively kill the clan. I dont think either me or zimith (I cant talk for zimith here, but that is a hunch) would replay a dwarf on the server and I also can say that I would probably leave the server is a wipe came up (as many other would I believe and with a low player base such as we have now, I think that would kill the server).
Since many of us wouldnt rebuild dwarves. Since Ive been playing a dwarf for about 6 moths now, I would like to try something new if Im forced to build a new character (that is, if I do rebuild a character and doesnt change server). I wouldnt make a Hantur copy, since it wouldnt feel the same. I think this goes for the most of us.
I been playing Thoren on diffrent servers for about 2 or more years, but there is always only one of him. I dont feel like Startin over as well, as I have my DM duties on Dragon Coast to do as well, I have less time to play on BattleDale as it is. And when i do get on to play, I dont tend to level that much, I like Social RP as much as Hunting, ao it would kill my 8th lvl Thoren, and I would have to start over again.
Making a new Doomnair on the same Server, naaa, I dont know about that, feels stale.